December 17, 2007

Life plan

- Quit smoking (I’ve heard Chantix does wonders, or almost gets there);
- Work out;
- Have breakfast (preferably made by him and brought to me in bed) every day;
- Get up early (that is, between 8 and 8:30) every day – except for Sundays – and walk Benji;
- Be more productive, both work- and life-wise;
- Read more;
- Write more;
- Sunbathe more frequently (after all this is a tropical country, people!);
- Care a bit more for my looks (this category includes regular mani-pedi and waxing rituals, in addition to wearing some makeup – eyeliner and lipstick –, and using moisturizers every day, as well as resuming L'Oréal’s facial treatment);
- Save some money, so as to spend it all later, obviously;
- Learn more new things.


(this post is open to updates)


Dayse Batista said...

Comprei essas gomas de nicotina. Fazem mesmo maravilhas, mas a minha está quase intacta.
Por quê? Porque aplaca por umas três horas a ânsia física por fumar, mas NÃO a psicológica. É ruim hein?
Tuas resoluções sobre autocuidados valem pra mim também.
Escrevamos, então. Sejamos mais produtivas (sempre dá pra ser mais). E que ELE te leve o café na cama.