December 30, 2007

In 2008...

I wish you don't stop so early in life, for every age brings pleasure and fear. And with those who make huge mistakes, a lot of them, I wish you can be tolerant. And when you're unhappy, I wish it lasts just one day and not one whole year. And I wish you find out that laughing is great, but laughing at everything is despair.

I wish you have someone to love, and when you're fairly tired there is still love left to start all over again.

I wish you have a lot of friends but that you can trust at least one of them. And that you even have enemies, so you won't stop disbelieving. And when you're unhappy, I wish it lasts just one day and not one whole year. And I wish you find out that laughing is great, but laughing at everything is despair.

I wish you have someone to love, and when you're fairly tired there is still love left to start all over again.

I wish you make good money, for one's gotta make a living as well. And that you're able to tell it at least oncewho owns who.

I wish you have someone to love, and when you're fairly tired there is still love left to start all over again.

(Love to Start Over - Amor pra recomeçar - Frejat - a free translation by Dekka)


Anonymous said...

Amiga, um ano cheio de coisinhas boas pra vc!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

DEKAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Q saudades!

Desculpe pela demora em responder, mas estava em um periodo de hibernação com o blog - o post que acabei de colocar lá fala rapidamente sobre isso.

Enfim, acabei de voltar à ativa e ví a novidade de seu novo blog. Vc sabe que sou seu fã de longa data e já coloquei o link para ele lá na lista de "tock-vizinhos". Agora que estou de volta à ativa (sabe-se lá até quando, rsrs), tenha certeza de que vc faz novamente parte das minhas visitas diárias, ok?
